My Story


Time is precious and your life story matters.

I thought I had all the time in the world, until one day I found myself blacked out on the street, broken from an accident, unable to walk. It shook me to the core and reminded me that there’s more to life than just merely living—there’s the unparalleled thrill of ‘feeling alive’.

So as soon as I recovered, I took a leap of faith, I left my job at Google and I stopped talking about starting a business, or traveling around the world, or becoming a writer.

Instead, I just did.

I started doing, creating, building, learning, writing, and sharing.

I ventured on a journey that was true to me and my calling.

Along the way, I’ve failed, I’ve made many mistakes, I’ve hit rock bottom—but I’m becoming who I am today because of these bold adventures. What began as a voyage of seeking an answer to the question of “how can I change this world with my ideas,” transformed into “how can I change myself so I can better be suited to contribute to this world?”

What lessons did I learn?

Here are a few:

Look—life is a beautiful gift. Don’t spend it living in a zone so comfortable that it strips you from your potential. You’ll look back in 20 years and say: “I wish I had.” I prefer to look back and say: “I’m glad I did.” These four words will be the difference between a life well-lived and a life filled with regret.

Today, I use my words as a voice of hope and inspiration—to empower you to live your truth, pursue your artistic calling, use your ideas to create more good in this world, and become a better human in the process of doing so. I want you to see all the beauty that exists in you and the world around you. Because that’s the only way we experience a deeper connection to ourselves, others, and the world around us—that’s how we experience Satori.

My wish is to give something beautiful to this world, something that moves the soul. Until I do so, I will keep writing… If this sounds interesting to you, then scroll down below and sign-up for my weekly newsletter. I’ll send you a weekly dose of optimism and inspiration straight to your inbox once a week.